The Shopping Cart adds a site wide basket icon/text that displays the number of products in the cart.
Go to Customize => Header and drag the Shopping Cart to any position you want:
Then click the Shopping Cart item to change the following options:
- Label: The text shows in the header before price. For example: Cart
- Icon: The cart icon.
- Icon Position: The cart icon will show after or before the price.
- Link to: Select the page you will redirect to when clicking the cart item. Normally is Cart page.
- Show Label: Show or hide the label of cart item.
- Sub Total: Show or hide the sub total price in the cart dropdown.
- Quantity: Show or hide the quantity number.
- Styling: Adjustment the cart color, background, border, box shadow, etc…
- Typography: Adjustment the cart font family, size, etc…
- Icon Settings: Adjustment the cart icon and quantity size, color, etc…
- Dropdown Settings: Change the width of the cart dropdown and select alignment, left or right.