Header Search box is an item which display Search form on the front-end.
To customize search box just click to gear icon to open settings.
Customize Header Search Box
Placeholder: Placeholder text for search input.
[PRO] Search products only: This is only available in the PRO version. It helps you convert from default search for WooCommerce search form.
[PRO] Enable product categories: This is only available in the PRO version. It helps you select which product category you want to search the product.
Search Form Width: The width of the search box form in a pixel unit.
Input Height: The height of the search form input.
Icon Position: The icon absolute position number.
Input Text Typography: Advanced typography settings for search input. You can customize font-family, font size, line height,… for input box.
Input Styling: Advanced styling settings for search input. You can change the color, padding, border, background, border and box shadow for search input.
Icon Styling: Advanced settings for search icon. You can change the color , padding, border, background, border and box shadow for search icon.