WooCommerce Single Product Layouts module add more control layouts for your single product.
This is a premium module, available with Customify Pro. You would need to activate the module from Appearance → Customify Options → WooCommerce Booster → Single Product Layouts.
This module adds 4 layouts for your single product page.
Layout Settings
Layout: You can choose one of 4 layouts defined (Default, gallery full width, gallery boxed, left gallery ).
Show shop breadcrumb: Show/hide shop breadcrumb on the single product page.
Left column size: Set shop left column width. The right column will resize automatically to fit the layout.
Background: Change the gallery background, apply for layout top gallery boxed only.
Gallery Height: Change the gallery height, apply for layout top gallery full width and boxed only.
Gallery Width: Change the gallery width, apply for the layout gallery top boxed only.
Gallery Padding: Change the gallery padding, apply for the layout gallery top boxed only.
Thumbnails navigation in the gallery: check this if you want to display the thumbnails navigation inside the gallery.
NOTE: This option will move to section gallery slider settings if the module Product Gallery Slider enabled.
Show Product Navigation
You can show/hide product navigation (next, previous product) by check/uncheck to option Show Product Navigation
Tab Position
By default, the tab position will display auto depend to your single product layout. However, you can change the position to the product tab of you want.