Getting Started Width Portfolios Module
This is a premium module available with Customify Pro and this module required Elementor Plugin to works.
To enable Portfolio go to Appearance → Customify Options → Customify Pro Module → Portfolio.
Adding Your Portfolios
After activating the module you can add your portfolios. In admin go to Portfolios -> Add new.
Displaying Your Portfolios on Frontend
To display your portfolios just following there steps:
- Install and active plugin Elementor Plugin.
- Add new page: Admin → Page -> Add new.
- Edit the page which you’ve added with Elementor by click to button “Edit with Elementor”
- Find item “Customify Portfolios” then add it to content area.
Portfolios Builder Item Overview
The Portfolios Item included sections:
- Layout
- Query
- Filter
- Media
- Title
- Excerpt
- Terms
- Read More
- Order
- Pagination
The portfolio article have 2 main layouts (see images bellow). and the article layout have 4 parts: Header, Media, Body, Footer. If the area empty it will not display.
Portfolios Builder Item Settings
Chose layout for portfolios display
- Display: you can chose Default, Masonry, Carousel.
- Columns: Number items per row to display.
- Number of Posts
- Categories
- Order by
- Order
- Offset
Add filter to portfolios listing.
- Show filter.
- Show all: Show “All” filter button.
- All text: Custom filter all button label.
- Taxonomy: Terms taxonomy will use for filter.
- Separator: Separator between terms.
This is portfolio part which display play the thumbnail inside.
- Position: You can set where this are display, it can be:
- Top: Display above all portfolio article parts.
- Bellow header article: Display bellow header part.
- Left: Display on left side of portfolio article.
- Right: Display on right side of portfolio article.
- Hide: Hide this area.
- Link to post: Add link to single post on this area.
- Hide if empty: Hide if the featured image not set.
- Image size: The image size will display.
This is portfolio content item which display play the portfolio title.
- Position: You can set where this item display, it can be:
- Media: Display inside media part.
- Header: Display inside header part.
- Body: Display inside body part.
- Footer: Display inside body part.
- Hide: Hide this item.
- Link to post: Add link to single post on this area.
- HTML element: Choice HTML tag for this item.
This is portfolio content item which display the portfolio excerpt.
- Position: You can set where this item display, it can be:
- Media: Display inside media part.
- Header: Display inside header part.
- Body: Display inside body part.
- Footer: Display inside body part.
- Hide: Hide this item.
- Excerpt type: Type of excerpt to display, see more details
- Meta excerpt: Use excerpt in meta box excerpt.
- Split by more tag.
- Full content
- Custom: Custom your excerpt length.
- Excerpt more: Custom excerpt more text, default “…”
This is portfolio content item which display the portfolio excerpt.
- Position: You can set where this item display, it can be:
- Media: Display inside media part.
- Header: Display inside header part.
- Body: Display inside body part.
- Footer: Display inside body part.
- Hide: Hide this item.
- Taxonomy: Taxonomy to display.
- Count: How many terms to show (enter 0 to show all terms).
- Separator: Separator between terms.
Read More
This is portfolio content item which display the portfolio read more button.
- Position: You can set where this item display, it can be:
- Media: Display inside media part.
- Header: Display inside header part.
- Body: Display inside body part.
- Footer: Display inside body part.
- Hide: Hide this item.
- Read more text: Custom read more text.
You can order portfolio content items here, the items will order by number Ascending, if you leave the order filed empty, default order number is 1.
Display portfolio pagination.
- Show Pagination.
- Show Prev Next.
- Page Limit.
- Previous Label
- Next Label.
- Alignment.